Friday, April 13, 2012

Variety is the Spice of School: Eclectism

All the walls in my house are eggshell white. It's boring. But I've never been confident with color. Plus, we got all the paint for our almost 2,000 square feet for about $5. Cheap AND boring.
This same trend of boring does not carry over into our homeschool, however. And good thing.
Again and again, I read comments from moms in total frustration: they are using a boxed or computer-based curriculum, and their child is uninterested, unmotivated, bored, underwhelmed and they don't know what to do about it.
My advice? Paint some rooms red and yellow.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Managers Of Their Homes (MOTH)

The day my husband came home and found me hiding under a pile of (clean) laundry on our bed, we knew something had to change.
In the fall of 2007 I had a foot-dragging second grader, a shy kindergartner, an ornery three-year-old and a clingy baby girl. Add homeschooling on top of that, and let's just say it was the straw that broke this mommy's already weakened back.